Saturday, 3 February 2018


Sometimes you just have to stop what you are doing and have a little think :) so relaxing and talking things out with a friend.
The Girls look fab in their ABAR eBody Classic 8.5 mesh bodies. Elise in the back, with the full version and Vampi in the 1 Linden version, which are so easy to use. Whether you use the eBODY appliers or the omega appliers its always a perfect result. 

Vampi is wearing:
Mesh body - ABAR eBODY Classic 8.5 (1L version)
Bento head - Altamura Giselle
skin - custom made by TheVampRealm
Lipstick - custom made by TheVampRealm
Eyeshadow - custom made by TheVampRealm
eyes - custom made by TheVampRealm
hair - Damselfly, Lena
outfit - Precious Design, Are you down (top skirt and heels)
necklace - TheVampRealm, Devil heart necklace purple
bracelet - TheVampRealm, silver bracelets

Elise is wearing
Mesh body - ABAR  eBODY Classic 8.5 (full version)
Bento head - Lelutka Simone
skin - custom made by TheVampRealm
Lipstick - custom made by TheVampRealm
Eyeshadow - custom made by TheVampRealm
eyes - custom made by TheVampRealm
hair - Damselfly Unity
dress - Brii Underground, Connie dress
boots - [hh],Florenza slink boots
necklace and bracelet - TheVampRealm, Vegvisir Icelandic collection
rings - RealEvil Industries
nails - Slackgirl, Kendra bento mesh nails
shoulder pet - Never You Mind, Stupid Cupid